Bohermore National School 

Bohermore National School is a co-educational primary school with a Catholic ethos and is under the patronage of the Archbishop of Cashel & Emly. 

From September 2024, There will be 4 mainstream classrooms , three special classes catering for children with ASD, one early intervention class, one full SET teacher, and one part time SET teacher who is shared with another school.  There are 9 teachers, twelve SNAs, 5 bus escorts and one secretary working in the school, bringing the total number of staff to 27.

The “Old School” at Bohermore opened in 1859 and contained two rooms.  One room was the classroom and the other was the teacher’s residence. There were also two fireplaces, one at the top of the classroom and one at the top of the teacher’s residence.  There was no running water or ESB and therefore no central heating – only an open fire.  Children brought fuel and turf to keep the fires alight and the turf was piled along the gable end of the school.  This “Old School” is now home to the early morning drop-off, the preschool and the afterschool services catering for the children of the school and the wider community.  

In 1991 the current building replaced a 2 classroom prefab building that was connected to the original old school. In 2020, an extension to the building was completed comprising of ASD Classroom with toilet and shower facilities, a withdrawal room, staff room, staff toilets and an office.  This extension was build to the rear of the existing building. There was a further extension to the school in 2022, comprosing of two modular mainstream classrooms and one SEN classroom. We have been granted approval for a permanent extension to the school also. 

In 1859 there were 53 pupils on roll when the school opened and today, 165 years later, in 2024 there are 100 pupils on roll. The school will be holding a celebration in October 2024 to celebrate 165 years of the school.

Bohermore National School is situated at one end of the Parish of Ballybricken & Bohermore and is the last school in the western end of the Archdiocese.  It is situated 5.8 miles from Limerick City Centre.